Nichole Gamble, M.S. 2023

Research: Development of Resistance to Insecticides in Hyalella azteca

Eleni Robinson, M.S. 2023

Research: Observing the potential for trophic transfer of p,p’-DDT, Bifenthrin, Chlorpyrifos and metabolites to juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from consumption of Chironomus dilutus

Sara Anzalone, M.S. 2021

Research: Investigation of pesticide bioavailability and trophic pathway transfer to juvenile Chinook salmon of the San Francisco Bay delta, California

Logan Kent, M.S. 2021

Research: Effects of climate change on the toxicity of permethrin to Hyalella azteca

Andrew Derby, M.S. 2020

Research: Can significant bioaccumulation occur from consumption of dosed pyrethroid-resistant Hyalella azteca to Inland Silversides?

Corie Fulton, M.S. 2018

Research: An examination of routes of exposure of fluvalinate to larval and adult honey bees (Apis mellifera)

Courtney Fung, M.S. 2018

Research: The contribution of detoxification pathways to pyrethroid resistance in Hyalella azteca

Federico Sinche, Ph.D. 2018

Research: Application of the Tenax technique to assess bioaccessibility of sediment-associated polychlorinated biphenyls


Sam Nutile, Ph.D. 2016

Research: Understanding how Tenax extractable concentrations relate to exposure risk of benthic invertebrates exposed to hydrophobic organic compounds in aquatic systems

Jennifer Heim, M.S. 2016

B.S. Biology and Environmental Science, Buena Vista University

Research: Are there fitness costs due to the development of pyrethroid resistance in the non-target aquatic amphipod, Hyalella azteca?


Megan Archer, M.S. 2015

B.S. Chemistry, 2013, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Research: Bioavailability and distribution of PCB’s in Campus Lake

Jordan Thorngren

Jordan Thorngren, 2015

B.S. Chemistry, 2012, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Research: Fate and transport of atrazine and sulfentrazone in an agricultural field

Sara Mueting, Ph.D. 2014

Research: Fate, transport, and mixture toxicity of transgenic Bacilus thuringiensis corn (Zea mays) and associated insecticides clothianidin and tefluthrin

Environmental Scientist ABC Labs

Katie Strain

Katie Strain, M.S. 2014

B.S. Biochemistry University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

Research: Fate and transport of the Cry1Ab protein from bacillus thuringiensis corn in an agricultural field and aquatic mesocosms.

Jeff Hillis, M.S. 2013

Research: Are male Bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) experiencing altered reproductive output due to exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons?

Missouri Department of Natural Resources

Curtis Crouse, M.S. 2013

Research: Use of alternative lipid sources and finishing feeds to improve nutritional value and safety of aquaculture products.

Unicorn Lake Hatchery, operated by the Maryland DNR

Liz Tripp, M.S. 2013

Research: Tenax as a measure of bioavailability and remediation success on the Ottawa River

Amanda Harwood, Ph.D. 2012

Research: What is the best chemical approach to estimate the bioavailability of sediment associated insecticides to aquatic invertebrates?

Assistant Professor, Alma College, Alma, MI

Yuping Ding, Ph.D. 2012

Research: Predicting bioavailability and toxicity of hydrophobic pesticides in sediments using bioassays and the matrix-SPME approach

Research Scientist, Illinois Department of Public Health

Amanda Rothert, M.S. 2010

Research: Bioavailability of slower desorbing fractions of sediment-associated permethrin

Researcher II, Southern Illinois University

Andrew Trimble, Ph.D. 2009

Research: Fate and effects of pesticide mixtures to the aquatic amphipod, Hyalella azteca

Associate Professor, Ashland University, OH

Tyler Mehler, M.S. 2009

Research: Identification of the sources of sediment-associated toxicity in the Illinois River using a whole-sediment TIE approach

Post doctoral researcher, University of Alberta